Sunday, February 19, 2017

Your Unique Path in Christ May be Misunderstood by Some

Some people may not understand your path, or how you came to be the way that you are. They may care about you and love you. But they probably don't fully understand you. And that's ok. You don't have to justify God's calling on your life to people, not even to loved ones. When you know the Lord has called you to walk a certain path, a road less traveled, it means fewer people will be able to follow you or understand you. You may even be walking alone with the Lord on such a road. And sometimes, you may not even understand that path yourself. Yet because you trust the Lord, you trek onward in Him.

Road less traveled - Photo by Curtis J Alexander (c) 2015

Don't panic and wonder what is wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you. As you submit to Christ and let Him transform you from glory to glory, there will come a realization that it is GOD Himself who places the desires of His heart in your heart. And those desires may not line up with the things everyone else wants for you. You may be wondering why you don't want the same things they may be wanting for you. You prayed about it, you searched the Scriptures, and you yielded to God's sovereign will through relationship to Christ. Yet you do not have the same desires as those loved ones who care for you. I am not talking about sin. This is IN NO WAY an endorsement for any kind of sin. And I am not encouraging fleshly desires, or disobedience to Scripture. We must put our disobedience and our sin to death... and take up our cross and follow Jesus.

This is an encouragement for you to arise in your unique calling to serve the Lord.
The Lord has given you a different set of desires, a different calling, and it is just as valid and holy as any of the other unique individual callings He gives to those that are His. But just because some Christian disciples may have walked a specific path with Jesus, that does not automatically mean God calls you to walk the exact same path that they have.

So please don't second-guess yourself. Keep walking in the way the Lord calls you to walk... even if you do not seem to be understood by those who are close to you.

Jesus DELIGHTS in you.

Today as I prayed alone, I sought the Lord. I was seeking comfort for a recent disappointment. But the Lord showed me an encouraging vision. He showed me Himself, Jesus Christ, the High Priest after the order of Melchisedec, interceding on my behalf to the Father in Heaven. On his High-priestly breastplate, was a precious stone.... that stone represented me. Jesus carries me and you close to His heart and He carries us to the Father in priestly intercession and prayer. He calls on the Father to move with FAVOUR in our lives. That is what the Lord showed me. Much of Christ's Melchisedec priesthood can be learned from Hebrews chapters 6-8.

So I want to encourage you.... you may be like me.... a precious stone of a different colour. You are unique to Jesus, and He bears you to the Father in prayer. Like the stones that represented the 12 tribes of Israel upon the breastplate of the Levitical priest's clothing, Jesus bears us as precious stones on His own breastplate.

You are called to walk as an individual disciple, with a unique path. It may be a non-traditional path, but it is well within Scripture, and the righteousness and the will of God. You may have a unique calling, but you are still called to unite in fellowship in the family of God through direct relationship to Jesus and to His followers. All believers need a home church to call their own, for regular fellowship, prayer, the word, and accountability.

So maybe you are like me. You may be loved, and misunderstood by some people. You may be expected by some people to do certain things, but yet the Lord has not impressed you to do those things. They aren't necessarily bad things. But they are not the right fit for you. And you know it. Yet you keep trying to fit in. Well, the Lord wants you to not feel bad for being a little different. You can keep trusting Jesus to lead you.... even if it means you are loved and misunderstood by others close to you.

Your unique path of discipleship in Christ may be misunderstood by some. But it's ok. God fully knows you and loves you and guides you. Just keep following the Word of God and the Spirit of God in His righteousness. Be obedient to the Lamb, and see a great reward come in your life over time.

Pastor Curtis
Sun Feb 19 2017 9:59pm EST

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